The Best 3 Effective Workouts For Enlarging Back Muscles

It may be difficult to see the benefits of your back muscles, compared to the appearance of muscles in your arm or abdomen, but there are countless benefits in training your back, from repairing the spine posture, to protecting you from common injuries and back pain.

When we talk about back Muscles we are talking about one of the biggest muscles in your body that gives you the distinctive appearance from the back, and today we have 3 basic back exercises that you should include in your workout. offers you The Best 3 Effective workouts for enlarging back muscles


Many bodybuliders separate the bar and weight exercises and believe that the bar cannot be played on the back muscles training day, but on the contrary , adding a bar to the back day gives a strong boost to the exercise and makes the result better



      1- Hold the bar bar.

      2- Turn your back back at a 30-degree angle, and the chest should be prominent

      up. You will receive a ball on your chest,  this is the starting position.

      3- Raise yourself up until you kill the bar for your chest!

      4- Quickly return to the starting position and focus on

      operating the plaster muscle while on the move.

      5- Repeat the previous steps until you reach the desired number.


It is true that the best number of repeats is 8-12 in order to increase muscle growth, but if you are an average or advanced player and you feel that your body needs to increase in weight and gain more strength, I advise you to try a number of 4-8, yes it is not the best number to grow but believe me This will give you a lot of strength and then you can raise the number of iterations again with heavier weight and that then having new results.

Rest From 3-5 Mins


One of the strongest back exercises that target more than one part of the muscle.


- After holding the appropriate weight, hold the bar (grip of the shoulder width). The chest and neck should be tight.

- The bar should be hung underneath and your hands straight below you in a vertical plane on the floor level.

- Pull the bar very slowly toward the middle abdominal muscles and concentrate the load on the back muscles and hold for a second in this position.

- The bar should be away from your knees and do not rub your thighs during movement.If this happens, be aware that you have not been in a right position from the beginning.

- The elbows should not be protruding outward to focus on the back muscles.

- Lower the bar until it returns to the starting position, and you have completed one repetition.

- Repeat the previous steps until you reach the number of duplicates required.


Deadlift is One of the most powerful exercises targeting more than one muscle, targets the lower back muscles, the back leg muscles, the back shoulder muscles, the abdominal and forearm muscles.

Be careful: perform this exercise properly to you avoid any injury, as it may make you retire from the game forever.


- Place the bar on the floor and carry it to the appropriate weight.

- get close to the bar until the bar touches your leg as seen in the picture.

- get down while keeping your back straight and hold the bar as shown, this is the   starting position.

- The chest should be up, and the face is moving forward not down.

- Raise the weight up in every focus while keeping your back straight while you move, until you stand straight as shown.

- Avoid going too far back as this can put you at risk.

- Lower the bar back to the starting position while keeping the back straight, so one is over.

- Repeat the previous steps until you reach the desired number.

Tags : Cable row,Bodybuilding,Back exercises,Back workouts,Rich piana,Lower back stretches,Lower back exercices,Back stretches,Stretches for lower back,Seated cable row,Female bodybuilders,Back extensions,Lower back pain relief,Back and bicep workouts,Upper back stretches,Back fat exercises,Back fat workouts

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