Effective Diet Program to lose 8 Kg in 13 Days only

Are you looking for the fastest way to lose weight? Sicking of useless Diet plan? You’re in the right place.

EatForWorkout offers you a diet Program for reduce your weight by 8 kg or more. 

Would you like to wear the clothes in your closet within a few weeks to suit you?

Whatever the reason that you are trying to lose weight because of it we will provide you with a set of ideal tips that help you lose weight easily

We will talk a lot about healthy diet and the extent of benefit to your lifestyle, so we offer you a diet to lose more than 8 kg in less than two weeks where it helps you change the metabolism and you can return to the normal diet without achieving more weight for two years. The system enables you to lose fat accumulated in tissues.

Because it is necessary for you to find the right diet for you without falling like an easy prey to diet pills that surround you in TV ads

Before we start we want to give you some advice that would help you get the best result.

- It is recommended to combine a healthy diet with regular exercise as it is the fastest way to lose weight.

- Don’t skip any meal or eat at irregular times.

- Don’t do mistakes like a meal or two in exchange for a fatty meal.

- The most important thing before the start of any diet is to determine your goals and must be realistic and here we offer a diet for losing 8 kg and more it’s a great start and make sure to write notes of your day about your assessment of your commitment to the diet and it helps you motivate yourself and encourage them to lose more weight, especially If you have difficulty sticking to the food plan.

- Make sure to plan your diet plan carefully to determine the time you spend in organizing and preparing meals from scratch to completion.

- Prepare foods you eat throughout the day.

- Set meal times according to your schedule.

- You should eat about 4-6 small meals a day, according to the British Power Association.

- Try each meal to include one source of protein and one source of complex carbohydrates.

- Do not try to add any foods that are not allowed in the diet (such as sweets, cakes, biscuits, soft drinks, etc.).

- Try to stabilize the weight for 3 months.

- To fight hunger, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

- One of the best foods to include in your daily diet is a vegetable salad.

- You can replace coffee with tea to reduce the amount of caffeine that enters the body.

- Choosing fat-free dairy products and making sure not to add sugar to yogurt.

- You should take into account the amount of calories you should include in your diet, depending on many factors including height, age, weight, and level of activity.

Now let’s jump into Diet Program to lose more than 8 KG in 13 Days only


Breakfast: 1 small cup of coffee / tea sweetened with 1 cube sugar.

Meal: 2 boiled eggs + 400 grams of cooked spinach + 1 tomato.

Dinner: 200 grams steak + 1 green salad dish, lemon juice and olive oil.


Breakfast: 1 cup of local coffee in a sugar cube.

Meal: 250 grams of lean red meat + a cup of skim yogurt.

Dinner: 200 grams of steak meat + green salad plate.


Breakfast: 1 cup local coffee with sugar cube + toast slice.

Meal: 2 boiled eggs + 1 red steak + 1 green salad platter.

Dinner: boiled celery + 1 tomato + 1 fresh fruit (apple, pear, orange).


Breakfast: 1 cup local tea with sugar cube + 1 slice of toast.

Meal: 200 ml of orange juice + 1 skim yogurt.

Dinner: 200 grams steak + celery slices.


Breakfast: 1 large carrot fruit.

Meal Food: 200g grilled fish with lemon juice + 1 sp. butter.

Dinner: 200 grams steak + celery slices.


Breakfast: 1 cup of local coffee in a sugar cube + 1 slice of toast.

Meal: 2 boiled eggs + 1 large carrot.

Dinner: 1/2 oven roasted chicken + 1 vegetable salad dish with lemon juice.


Breakfast: 1 cup tea without sugar.

Meal: 3 fruits (apple, banana, guava, pear).

Dinner: 200 grams of lamb + 1 apple.

DAY 8 :

Breakfast: 1 cup of local coffee in a sugar cube.

Meal: 2 boiled eggs + 400 g spinach + 1 tomato.

Dinner: 200 gm steak + 1 vegetable salad platter.

DAY 9 :

Breakfast: 1 cup local coffee with sugar cube.

Meal: 250 g lean red meat + 1 cup yogurt.

Dinner: 250 gm grilled beef + 1 vegetable salad plate.

DAY 10 :

Breakfast: 1 cup of local tea + 1 slice of toast.

Meal: 2 boiled eggs + 1 slice of red meat + 1 vegetable salad platter.

Dinner: 1 boiled celery dish + 1 tomato + 1 fresh fruit.

DAY 11 :

Breakfast: 1 cup of local coffee + 1 slice of toast.

Meal: 200 ml orange juice +1 cup yogurt.

Dinner: 1 boiled egg + 1 carrot + 250 grams of skim cheese.

DAY 12 :

Breakfast: 1 sliced ??carrot + 1 apple.

Meal: 200 grams of grilled fish topped with lemon juice + 1 tbsp butter.

Dinner: 250 gm grilled beef + 1 celery slices.

DAY 13 :

Breakfast: 1 cup of local tea + 1 slice of toast.

Meal: 2 boiled eggs + 1 large carrot fruit.

Dinner: 250 grams chicken breast + 1 vegetable salad plate.

Here we got into the end of the Subject don’t forget to share it with friends if you like it

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