The Best Training Schedule For Lazar Angelov For Profession

Lazar Angelov is a Bulgarian bodybuilder with extensive experience in the field of fitness and bodybuilding. His body is characterized by good muscle mass and a low fat percentage.

He is very famous even among people who know nothing about bodybuilding.

Lazar Angelov features a 5-day workout at the gym with some cardio exercises to burn the most stored fat and keep your muscles visible.

Note that this workout schedule concentrates on Heavy Exercises (Dead Lift - Squat - Flat Bar Chest) and some isolation exercises and other devices.


Day 1 - (Chest and Abdominal muscles)

Incline Bench Press: 4 Groups - 9 To 12 counts each

Dips: 4 Groups - 9 To 12 counts each

Hanging Leg Raises: 4 Groups - 15 minimum each

Bench Press: 4 Groups - 9 To 12 counts each

Side Bends: 4 Groups - 15 minimum each

Decline Bench Press: 4 Groups - 9 To 12 counts each

Machine Pull over: 3 Groups - 9 To 12 counts each

Weighted Sit ups: 4 Groups - 15 minimum each

Side Crunches: 4 Groups - 15 minimum each

Hammer Press: 4 Groups - 9 To 12 counts each


Pull-ups: 4 Groups - 10 to 15 counts each

Bent Over Row: 4 Groups - 10 to 12 counts each

Reverse Barbell Wrist Curl Over Bench: 4 Groups - 15 counts min. each

Lat Pulldown: 4 Groups - 10 to 15 counts each

Deadlift: 2 Groups - 10 to 12 counts each

Standing Wrist Curl Behind Back: 4 Groups - 15 counts min. each

Shrugs: 6 Groups - 10 to 15 counts each


Military Press Behind The Neck: 3 Groups - 10 to 12 counts each

Machine Shoulder Press: 4 Groups - 10 to 15 counts each

Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 4 Groups - 10 to 15 counts each

Front Plate Raise: 4 Groups - 10 to 15 counts each

Reverse Pec Deck: 4 Groups - 10 to 15 counts each

Incline Reverse Flyes: 4 Groups - 15 counts min. each

Weighted Sit Ups: 4 Groups - 15 counts min. each

Hanging Leg Raises: 4 Groups - 15 counts min. each

Side Bends: 4 Groups - 15 counts min. each

Side Crunches: 4 Groups - 15 counts min. each


Tricep Pushdowns: 4 Groups - 10 to 12 counts each

Close Grip Bench Press: 4 Groups - 10 to 12 counts each

EZ-Bar Cur: 4 Groups - 10 to 12 counts each

Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 4 Groups - 10 to 12 counts each

Standing Wrist Curls Behind Back: 4 Groups - 15 counts min. each

Cable Kickback: 4 Groups - 15 to 18 counts each

Wide-Grip Standing Barbell Curls: 4 Groups - 10 to 12 counts each

Dumbbell Concentration Curls:  4 Groups - 15 to 18 counts

Reverse Barbell Wrist Curls Over Bench: 4 Groups - 15 counts min. each


Squats To Bench: 4 Groups - 10 to 12 counts each
Bulgarian Split Squats: 4 Groups - 10 to 12 counts each

Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 3 Groups - 15 to 18 counts each

Lying Leg Curls: 4 Groups - 15 to 18 counts each

Seated Calf Raises: 4 Groups - 15 to 18 counts each

Standing Barbell Twists: 4 Groups - 15 to 18 counts each

Leg Press Calf Raises:4 Groups - 15 to 18 counts each

Squats: 4 Groups - 10 to 12 counts each

Glute Kickbacks: 4 Groups - 15 to 18 counts each

Weighted Sit-Ups: 4 Groups - 15 to 18 counts each

Leg Extensions: 3 Groups - 15 to 18 counts each

Side Bends: 4 Groups - 15 to 18 counts each

Remember: Training without focus, nutrition and continuity is nothing 

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